Cheers! Golden Globe Winners, Highlights & Fumbles

And the Golden Globe goes to…

The 73rd Golden Globe Awards is presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) and honors the best in film and television of 2015. As we have witnessed from the past, the Globes is arguably the most relaxed, loose and crowded awards ceremony every year because of the overflowing drinks and tightly packed tables that makes for a night of surprises and drunken speeches but this year proved to be a little bit more tame but it was a great night nonetheless!


Ricky Gervais, funny man and notorious king of controversial comedy was host of the show for three consecutive years and is now back and kicking with a beer on one hand and that signature dry humor he’s known for on the other. The host kept things playful, holding nothing back as he took jabs at the expense of his A-list crowd; no one was proven safe particularly Mel Gibson whom the host called out for his drinking problem and anti-semitic rant so it’s a good thing that the original Mad Max just happily played along.


The Hollywood veteran took the jabs in stride

On The Martian being categorized as a Comedy:

To be fair, The Martian was a lot funnier than Pixels.                                        But then again, so was Schindler’s List. 

On introducing Matt Damon:

He’s also the only person that Ben Affleck hasn’t been unfaithful to.

On all-female reboots of classic films:

This is brilliant for the studios, because they get guaranteed box office results and they don’t have to spend too much money on the cast.

FUMBLE: Before I go on to the highlights of the show, let’s just get a few fumbles out of the way shall we? Some may say that Gervais’ jokes were a little too crass, I think we can all agree that crass works better than a cringe-inducing comment and that’s exactly what famed director Quentin Tarantino committed, I wouldn’t go into details but let’s just say that once he made the “ghetto” reference and the camera pans to the audience’s reaction, it was an ugly sight.

FUMBLE: One thing that I enjoyed while watching the proceedings was the pairings of the presenters but one pair didn’t quite impressed me and obviously, nominee for Youth Jane Fonda, this cringe-worthy moment was courtesy of Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill but mostly Hill involving a sketch about the bear from The Revenant which to say the least got if nothing, a few forced laughs from the crowd.

HIGHLIGHT: Fortunately, the highs supercedes the lows so as I previously mentioned, the HFPA did good when it comes to the pairings of presenters this year – Mark Wahlberg & Will Ferrell, Kate Hudson & Kurt Russell etc. each pair brought along their own flavor. There’s J.Law & “A.Schu” demonstrating what BFFGoals means, America Ferrera & Eva Longoria making it clear that they are not Gina Rodriguez & Eva Mendes respectively, Ken Jeong & Kevin Hart presented themselves as potential children of Brangelina and then there’s the unlikely pair of Amber Heard & Jamie Alexander who charmed they’re way through a technical malfunction.1PAIRS

HIGHLIGHT: And then there’s the pairing that got everyone screaming, drooling and fanning themselves, I’m talking about the pairing of The Big Short costars Ryan Gosling & Brad Pitt. Who knew the Golden Globe stage could contain so much prettiness? 1GOSLINGPITT

HIGHLIGHT: Speaking of pretty, Leonardo DiCaprio just won the internet in more ways than one, first he nabbed the coveted award for Best Actor for The Revenant, got a standing ovation and gave a beautiful speech in return and then he was spotted in a tight hug with Titanic leading lady Kate Winslet making everyone nostalgic and well, go nuts. If you think that’s all, only Leo could pull off a “how to win in life trifecta” by giving Lady Gaga a face that’s worthy of a thousand memes! 1LEOGAGA


Best motion picture, drama

“The Revenant”

Best motion picture, musical or comedy

“The Martian”

Best screenplay, motion picture

Aaron Sorkin, “Steve Jobs”

Best original score, motion picture

Ennio Morricone, “The Hateful Eight”

Best motion picture, animated

“Inside Out”

Best original song, motion picture

“Writing’s on the Wall,” “Spectre”

Best motion picture, foreign language

“Son of Saul”

Best television series, drama

“Mr. Robot,” USA

Best television series, musical or comedy

“Mozart in the Jungle,” Amazon Video

Best television limited series or motion picture made for television

“Wolf Hall,” PBS

Best performance by an actor in a television series, drama

Jon Hamm, “Mad Men”

Best performance by an actor in a television series, musical or comedy

Gael García Bernal, “Mozart in the Jungle”

Best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a series, limited series or motion picture made for television

Christian Slater, “Mr. Robot”

Best performance by an actress in a TV series, drama

Taraji P. Henson, “Empire”

Best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, limited series or motion picture made for television

Maura Tierney, “The Affair”

Best performance by an actress in a television series, musical or comedy

Rachel Bloom, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”


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