The Big Short

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.  It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”


In The Big Short, someone did the math, others checked the numbers and as it turned out, the person was right and the system was corrupt. In the hands of any other filmmaker, this film will fall flat but in the hands of Adam McKay (Anchorman, The Other Guys), the story about the financial crisis of 2007-2008 thrives. It doesn’t hurt too that he has Christian Bale, Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt leading his ensemble cast.


The Big Short is based on the accounts of real people revolving around the discovery of Michael Burry (Bale) of how unstable the housing markets are in America and predicted that the market will collapse in no time; Jared Vennett (Gosling) also had the same belief and as the story progresses it turned out that they were right thus causing millions of people losing not only their jobs but their homes.

The film is such a lighthearted take on a disturbingly problematic situation. It all sounds so boring when you just read about it but to actually see it unfolding in front of you and realizing just how massive the dishonesty will make you think what kind of people commits such fraudulence at the expense of so many losing everything they have. At first, the pace of the film can be a little too much because of the jargons you have to remember to understand the plot but after a few minutes you get used to the energetic pace, the many cutaways and you’re finally caught up. Speaking of cutaways, McKay did such a brilliant job by taking pieces of history together, put them in brief successions and help viewers piece all those information to form a clearer perspective on the narrative of the film. And if you’re ever worried about how you can cope with the finance and banking jargon, there’s a few celebrity cameos (think pop star, famous chef, Suicide Squad) who can slightly help you make sense of the all too complicated situation.


So… my beaming recommendation?




Coming Soon: February

New segment on my blog!!!
An overview of all the next attractions for this month of February:

Hitchcock (Feb. 6)
Alfred Hitchcock, probably the most iconic director in all of Hollywood. I think that’s enough reason to go see this film! Ps. Hitchcock will only be released by Ayala Malls.

Mama (Feb. 6)
The moment I saw the trailer, I already knew I need to see this film. It is that compelling! Just proves how much a trailer can do so much to lure audiences and I tell you what, I’m totally lured!

Upside Down Feb. 6)
The story seemed interesting but unfortunately, the things I read on this film were not convinced. Oh well, I think I’ll still watch this one and see for myself.

Lincoln (Feb. 20)
2-time Academy Award winner, Daniel Day Lewis; also a 2-time Academy Award winner, Sally Field; Joseph Gordon Levitt; Tommy Lee Jones; Directed and produced by THE Steven Spielberg. Need I say more?

Beautiful Creatures (Feb. 20)
Many have said that the book by which the film was based on was pretty amazing… So! I’m expecting this one to be as good and give the book justice. We’ll see…

Other February showing:
Broken City – Feb. 6
Flight – Feb. 13
A Good Day to Die Hard – Feb. 13
Safe Haven – Feb. 13
Playing for Keeps – Feb. 13
This is 40 – Feb. 20



all photos are from Google